Sunday, March 19, 2017

Gone, its all gone!

I was not sad about until it was gone.
I hadn't thought about it in months, until I no longer could use it.
Now it's gone.

What you ask?

My original blog. The one that I had created in the first few weeks of coming home full time.

I read a friend's blog post and it was wonderful.
You know how you track back to your own post, well I did that and it was gone.
Now granted my last post was on Sep. 2012! Yep that long ago.
My youngest who was barely sleeping through the night is now 5.
Since then we have finally added a dishwasher to our cottage and another living being, Hershey the very spoiled 7th Pillow.
I mean y'all this dog, whines when he can't eat what the kids are eating. I mean really dude, your a dog...I digress.

I don't know if I will revive this or not.
However its gone.
Thank you to my loyal reader (DH)!

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